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Total Reward

The salary is not the only recognition of our people for their work, but is only one part of the Total Reward system designed and implemented for you. 

What does the salary consist of?
The amount our people receive monthly is the gross annual salary, composed of fixed items (CCNL minimums, allowances, individual items,...) and variable items (such as overtime, on-call,...). Contributions (about 9%) and taxes contribute to the final net amount.

What does Total Reward consist of?
It is the sum of all the rewards, initiatives and services that the company makes available to reward the achievement of a goal, to stimulate personal and professional growth, and to facilitate the well-being of those who work with us, their families, and the local area. Currently, our Total Reward system is composed of seven elements that, with the salary, represent the real reward for those who work with us. 

Collective company bonuses: the result bonus, the result of a trade union agreement, rewards each year, with different values per level, the economic results, the collective results of the sectors, with an additional individual quota for assiduity in attendance at work. On this bonus, if not converted into welfare, there is a contribution of around 9% and taxation of 10%. It is paid in the months following the approval of the budget.

Individual bonuses: these are one-off bonuses to which a budget is allocated annually. They are paid to employees who have made a decisive contribution to achieving important results. They are managed in the annual remuneration policy, normally after the approval of the budget, as an alternative to other possible interventions (level steps, salary increases). The Manager reports, filling in a form of the Quality System and providing the reasons, the collaborator. Human Resources verify the reports and submit them to the Management, in compliance with the annual budget.

Pension fund and insurance: those who choose to join the sector's supplementary pension scheme (Pegaso Fund) receive an additional 1.2% from the company. Health care is guaranteed for everyone according to the quota fixed by the CCNL (Fasie, Water sector). For everyone, we take out a policy for death or permanent disability due to occupational injury or illness, a policy for third-party liability and legal protection. Specific insurances are provided for particular figures, such as designers.

Welfare: these are services (e.g. reimbursements for children's health or education expenses, payments to Pegaso, shopping vouchers or fuel) that can be accessed for a full or partial share of one's performance bonus. Joining welfare means that the amount pledged is not subject to deductions: on the contrary, we incentivise this choice by increasing by 15% the amount that the worker has chosen to convert. The company can also provide special collective welfare bonuses, such as the 2022 utility bill bonus or the Values and Sustainability Photo Contest Prizes. 

Services: this category includes for some employees the company car, for all the meal paid for by the company in affiliated establishments, the company smartphone for those who move around the territory, notebooks for those who have access to smart working. 

Wellbeing: these are all company initiatives for the health and wellbeing of our people. Included in this area are WHP project initiatives (including a free cardiovascular check-up for the over 40s), the free Listening Desk with a psychologist, initiatives of the Leisure Time Association (ATEL), interventions on issues of social interest and sustainability, conventions or initiatives such as fruit available in the company one day a week. 

Training: we provide our people with and deliver courses for their personal and professional training, with a growing commitment to digital training, sustainability, diversity and inclusion.