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Why choose Acque Bresciane?

Why choose Acque Bresciane?

Acque Bresciane wanted to define its Employer Value Proposition (EVP), to represent its commitment to certain key concepts and to indicate the value we can offer.

At Acque Bresciane, the passion for the environment and for our territory are the work of every day. We take care of water, aware that it is a precious resource. We do this by putting safety first, for our people, for our citizens and for the environment.

We deeply believe in environmental and social sustainability, because we want a better present and future for us, for our families and for the planet.

At Acque Bresciane every person counts! We are a growing and improving society, and we want to grow together with our people, also through digital transformation. We promote training, innovation and the enhancement of diversity.

We are looking for people who share our passion for the environment, for sustainability, for safety. People who want to be part of our team, putting their heads, hands and hearts into it.


Enter Acque Bresciane: #FattiTrovare

Our strategy and values: Every person counts!

We believe that in order to fulfil our vision, our mission and apply the founding values of Acque Bresciane, in a context of strong technological transformation, our people are decisive and at the heart of the strategy. We aim to acquire the best skills, to motivate, involve and value all our people, investing in human capital and sustainability

Our commitment to our people is aimed in particular at:

  • managing cultural and organizational change towards a profitable digital transformation
  • creating a place where people want to work
  • improving the experience of new employees
  • strengthening employee skills and engagement
  • developing future leaders
  • valuing inclusion and diversity.


These commitments, which are our People strategy, are the result of internal reflection and sharing, and are part of our Strategic Sustainability Plan 2045. We believe it is important to communicate them outside to be transparent and recognizable.

They are a representation of the main commitments to our people, consistent with our Charter of Foundations and the culture we are promoting. People are at the heart of the company strategy, in a mix of activities, policies and projects, aimed at changing behaviour and increasing human capital. Commitments which result in periodic targets being constantly measured.

Some HR projects

Joining Acque Bresciane is just the beginning

From the moment you join our team, a growth and career path begins. In the entry phase (onboarding) we define activities and goals with you for the first 12 months and the digital experience offered is measured.

We provide you with internal and external training to increase know-how and skills.

We promote digital training to share information and improve the performance of the entire team.

We share news, objectives and results through newsletters and a constantly updated internal social channel.

All human resources processes are an integral part of the Quality, Safety and Environmental management system. Staff appraisal systems are in place, with the possibility of access to career paths, and reward systems for outstanding activities.

Our performance management culture is based on the close connection between striving for results and the behaviour required to implement them. Indeed, we believe it is crucial that our values are on the ground, every day, if we are to achieve challenging goals.


In our performance management model, the founding values taken from the Charter of Fundamentals have inspired the definition of behaviours that we consider successful and which, described in concrete attitudes, are subject to verification in personnel evaluation systems as well as being declined in the guiding principles of our leadership model.

We offer all colleagues a leadership model to be inspired by, to grow and to build together a positive and stimulating environment.