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We promote sustainable, ethical and inclusive development, through innovation at the service of people, communities and territories, contributing to the dissemination of new digital technologies within the public service provided.

The Strategic Innovation Plan is the document that directs the company’s innovation and is based on three levers: digital transformation, research and development and process innovation. Of the 37 projects included in the Plan for 2024, 23 were successfully completed by the end of 2022 and 14 are still ongoing.

During 2022, two important international calls were launched, mainly linked to innovation in the sludge treatment sector, intelligent water network and real-time data improvement with two activities:

  • WILL - Water Innovation Living Lab promoted with CSMT (Centro Servizi Multisettoriale di Brescia), University of Brescia, ISLE Utilities. An accelerator for start-ups and spin-offs in the water sector selected through an international call for innovative solutions, with ten selected companies to be evaluated in 2023;
  • Wave - call4Innovation - "A wave of innovation" promoted by Water Alliance - Acque di Lombardia to select a shortlist of candidates able to propose to the 13 companies solutions in line with the principles of circular economy, sustainability and digitalization in an open innovation perspective on an international scale. More than 150 companies (start-ups and SMEs) from all over the world participated in the first scouting phase. Of these, a hundred have joined the pre-selection and 57 candidates have been selected among them, further evaluated to reach a final shortlist of 10 projects.