Ecosystem projects

All ecosystems, from lush forests to deep oceans, provide us not only with a spectacle of unparalleled beauty, but also with resources essential to our very existence.

What is an Ecosystem Service?

Ecosystem Services represent the connective tissue between nature and our well-being. They fall into four main categories, each contributing uniquely to our quality of life.

Supply services give us basic resources such as food, water and raw materials. Regulatory ones play a crucial role in maintaining climate balance, air purification and natural disaster management. Cultural services enrich our lives with aesthetic, recreational and spiritual value. Finally, support services work behind the scenes, supporting the stability of the whole system.

These services are not only a gift from nature, but also represent a delicate balance that we must respect and preserve. Conservation of ecosystems, therefore, becomes a crucial mission to ensure the continuity of these benefits for future generations.


During 2022 and 2023, we devoted special attention to the territory of the Peat Bogs Nature Reserve, which represents one of the last marsh ecosystems in the Brescian plain and an important wetland in the province because of its extent.

Following a "nature positive" path begun in 2021, we developed a pilot project as a corporate "best practice." The project, supported by the Bioclimate Call for Proposals issued by the Lombardy Region in 2022, included several actions:

  1. "Sustainable peat bogs" project: we committed to improve the critical issues related to the overflow waters present in the territory of the Municipality of Provaglio d'Iseo and in the Natural Reserve of the Sebino Peat Bogs. 
  2. Biodiversity support within the Lombardy Region's Bioclimate call: we actively participated by financing 50% of the habitat improvement activities in collaboration with the WOWnature organization. 

The interventions were outlined with the technical support of ETIFOR, a spin-off of the University of Padua, and in 2023 about 80% of the planned interventions were implemented.

In detail, during 2023, the following interventions were carried out:

  • restoration work and creation of new wetlands; in particular, nearly 250 linear meters of new channels and about 300 sq. m. of new wetlands were excavated;
  • reforestation of 10,000 square meters (1 hectare) with a total of 1,550 trees. The work restored rare forest habitats and created filter strips to counteract the negative effects of the main road system such as air pollution and noise disturbance for protected wildlife;
  • removal of invasive tree and shrub species.

Following these interventions, we initiated measurement and verification of three ecosystem services: carbon capture and conservation, biodiversity, and wastewater treatment using a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) verification system.