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On 6 April, the Brescia Ambito Office resolved to update the tariffs of the Integrated Water Service for the years 2022 and 2023. The revision of the tariffs reflects the resolutions of the Authority national ARERA (580/2019/R/IDR 639/2021/R/IDR, 917/2017/R/IDR) and is motivated by the need to realign them to the costs actually incurred and reported by the operators compared to those recognised by the tariff method in force (MTI-3).

Acque Bresciane SB therefore updated the tariffs based on the indications and timing provided by the Brescia Ambito Office, which established:

  • to freeze tariff increases for consumption already invoiced in 2022 
  • to apply to the municipalities managed by Acque Bresciane in 2023 the increases of the current year, calculating where necessary the adjustments with respect to the figures already invoiced, also based on the change of manager.

The average increase in tariffs for 2023 is also affected by the action taken by the Brescia Ambito Office to gradually make tariffs homogeneous at a provincial level. 

Our Customer Service is at your disposal for any further information

The tariffs can be found on the website of the Brescia Ambito Office at the following address:

Ato 2021 and 2022 tariffs

Ato 2023 tariffs