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Even when the user does not consume, the fixed fee must be paid. This is independent of consumption and covers part of the fixed costs that the operator incurs to provide the service. It is charged in the bill in proportion to the billed period. In order not to pay the fixed fee, you can request that the meter be sealed or removed (in the latter case, reactivating the service will incur costs for intervention and the issuing of a new contract).

Acque Bresciane, as Manager of the Integrated Water Service in the ATO of Brescia for domestic wastewater and wastewater assimilated to domestic wastewater according to RR n.6/2019 art. 4, co.1, letter a, in the managed Municipalities. Ufficio d'Ambito di Brescia for assimilated wastewater pursuant to RR n.6/2019 art. 4, co.1, letter b and industrial wastewater.

For direct reading meters you must provide the black numbers only, for clock meters you must provide the black clock numbers starting with the thousands (X1000), continuing with the hundreds (X100), with the tens (X10) and finally the units.

You can find all the items that make up your bill in the 'Detail' section.

To check whether your bill has been issued, you can register at the Sportello Online or download the new ABweb app free of charge. Both allow you to manage and consult your utilities, consumption and bills.

Always, for each new domestic/assimilated domestic/industrial discharge and for each qualitative-quantitative variation of the existing discharge.

By law only if the bill exceeds by 80% the average value referred to the bills issued during the last 12 months issued in accordance with the billing periodicity. In any case, you can indicate your request for an instalment plan, which will be evaluated, by using this form, downloading the form or requesting it at the counter.

If the service is present, the user is obliged to connect (art. 5 of R.R. n.6/2019). The obligation to connect applies if the minimum distance technically feasible between the boundary of the property to be connected and the public sewer is less than or equal to 50 metres, through public roads or easements that can be activated.

Traces of sand are generally harmless and to eliminate them it is sufficient to run the water, usually from the tap closest to the point of supply, and thus avoid deposits in your system. In any case, you can contact us at the emergency hotline to report any anomaly that is not resolved by this measure or if the problem persists.

The Social Water Bonus is granted to users in a condition of economic hardship, to beneficiaries of citizenship income or citizenship pension. It is a measure to reduce the cost of the water service only, rebating the cost of 50 litres per day per person. From 1 January 2020, the tariff applied to the discount in the bill will be calculated on the entire integrated water service, i.e. aqueduct, sewerage and purification.

The service code identifies the supply point. It can be found on the bill in the "Service no." section or as a user code.

This is the document certifying compliance with the regulations on discharges, for wastewater and stormwater discharges from internal sewerage systems, new or to be modified, for existing buildings or those under construction.

The Sportello Online service of Acque Bresciane allows you to manage and monitor your water supply from your PC, smartphone or tablet.

The minimum static operating pressure must comply with that indicated in the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 March 1996, i.e. a hydraulic load of mt 5 (0.5 bar), measured at the delivery point, relative to the roof slab.

It is the code that identifies the user by means of his personal data. You can find it on your bill, in the "your user number" section or as a personal code in the top right-hand corner.

The emergency intervention service is a free service, active 24 hours a day, for all reports of faults in public networks, both water and sewage, purification plants and for qualitative or quantitative irregularities in the supply of drinking water. Calls to the emergency number are charged at a rate of € 91.00 in the event of an intervention on a private network or system.

Turning over is the request to change the owner of the contract or the identification data of an already active delivery point. Activation of the supply is the start of service provision, following a new supply contract.

It is the point of delivery, identified by the boundary between the distribution system and the private system, normally located at the border between public and private property; the parts of the system that insist on public land are the responsibility of the operator, while the parts of the system on private land, excluding the meter, are the responsibility of the user.

Admission to discharge to public sewer is the document that authorizes the discharge of effluent from a building into the municipal public sewer system. You can submit suitable application by following the wizard at this link.

You can currently: 

  • consult your statement of account, which conveniently and quickly allows you to view all the documents issued and the payment status 
  • view contractual information such as supply location, tariff classification, delivery of documents 
  • view and download the pdf of the bills already issued 
  • check the consumption trend in a given period 
  • record self-reading at any time, with particular attention to the periods indicated on the bill. 
  • make payments 
  • request contractual services (information, terminations, activations).

Payment methods are available at this page

You can consult the locations and times of our counters at this link.

If your meter is blocked, please contact our customer hotline.

You can find all the items that make up your bill in the 'Detail' section.

Yes, tap water is drinkable. Acque Bresciane carries out accurate and daily checks on the water, evaluating physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Specialised technicians take daily water samples from wells and networks and the samples are analysed in our certified and accredited laboratories according to the highest safety standards.

Yes, the transfer in the event of the death of the holder is free of charge. The only charges to be paid are the €16.00 revenue stamp and any security deposit if you do not activate domiciliation.

The sewerage and wastewater treatment tariff must be calculated on the total number of cubic metres consumed, regardless of the type of use, as established by Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and additions, art. 155 c. 4. The sewerage and purification tariff is therefore also calculated for water used to water gardens and vegetable gardens.

You can do so by presenting a copy of the bill holder's identity card and the relevant proxy.

The documents required for activation are: 

  • copy of the applicant's identity card; 
  • written proxy in the case of an agent of the applicant, with a copy of the delegate's identity card;
  • declaration of the type of use; 
  • declaration of ownership of the property with the relevant certificates; 
  • cadastral data.

You can contact us on our freephone number, write to or come to our counters with your name, surname, service code, service applied, previous address and new address.

You can request a duplicate of your bill by writing to, or you can sign up to the Sportello Online service of Acque Bresciane to manage and monitor your water supply from your PC, smartphone or tablet, or download the free ABweb app.

Yes, you will have to pay the bill, and the period of estimated consumption will be recalculated in the closing invoice. If you are in credit, the amount will be refunded. However, you can provide us with your meter readings in the manner we have indicated in order to cancel your bill.

If there is no reason for high consumption (e.g. pool filling), you can check whether the meter registers consumption even when all taps in the house are closed. In this case, the leak must be detected and repaired. If you have any further questions, please contact the number on the letter you received.

The work will be carried out in accordance with the following timeframe (set out in Resolution 655/2015) depending on the type of work and subject to acceptance of all the conditions set out in the estimate, net of any authorisations required. Execution times: 

  • water connection involving the execution of specific simple work, within 15 days; 
  • sewer connection involving specific simple work, within 20 days; 
  • complex water connection, within 30 days; 
  • complex sewer connection, within 30 days;
  •  simple work, within 10 days;
  •  complex work, within 30 days.

In the event of a water leak, you must repair the system immediately. If the leak in the internal system and the repair are documented, you can access a relief on water consumption, as provided for in art. 1.20 of the AATO Integrated Water Service Regulations. To access the relief, the user must present

  • a copy of the invoice issued by the plumber; 
  • a copy of the declaration of conformity of the system with the rules of the art (Ministerial Decree no. 37 of 22/01/2008); 
  • any reading after the repair has been carried out.

You can check that the meter does not register consumption while all the taps in the house are closed. Even a small leak, if not repaired, can lead to high water consumption over time. If the meter registers consumption while the taps are closed, the system must be repaired immediately.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the password wizard. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to to request a solution.

No, as envisaged in art. 3.21 of the Regulation for the Integrated Water Service in the ATO of the Province of Brescia, waste water from food retail outlets and other retail businesses, including those with annexed production workshops aimed exclusively at the sale of foodstuffs, and/or from hotel and restaurant activities, at the request of the Manager, must be pre-treated in sufficiently sized grease separators. The construction of grease separators may also be imposed by the Manager on activities already connected to the sewerage system.

The operator is obliged to try to take the reading 

  • at least twice a year, at least 150 days apart, for users with average annual consumption up to 3,000 cu m;
  • at least three times a year, at least 90 days apart, for users with average annual consumption of more than 3,000 cubic metres.

Water does not have a fixed cost. The cost depends on personal consumption, in line with the principle "whoever pollutes or consumes more, pays more" of the European Directive 2000/60/CE. The water service tariff is made up of fixed charges and unitary charges, established according to consumption levels and differentiated according to the category of user and the number of household members. The fixed charge, on the other hand, is independent of the user's consumption and is expressed in euros per year.

Faulty or malfunctioning meters are replaced free of charge.

The minimum number of bills that the operator must issue in a year varies according to the average consumption recorded over the last three years (art.38 RQSII, 655/2015/R/IDR):

  • 2 bills per year, on a semi-annual basis, for average annual consumption up to 100 cubic meters; 
  • 3 bills per year, on a four-monthly basis, for average annual consumption from 101 to 1000 cubic meters; 
  • 4 bills per year, every three months, for average annual consumption from 1001 m3 to 3000 m3; 
  • 6 bills per year, every two months, for average annual consumption of more than 3000 cu m.

Bills can be either a balance bill, based on measured consumption, or an advance bill, based on estimated consumption. It may happen that a period invoiced on account is recalculated after the actual reading by our operators. You can check the recalculation items in the bill detail.

The procedure for submitting the discharge admission or prior opinion is the same for both documents, follow the guided procedure at this link.The application differs depending on the type of effluent whether domestic or assimilated to domestic, consistent with current regulations.If the request is for an industrial discharge visit the dedicated section

To request deactivation of a service, once the payment status has been checked, you can download the form, send it filled in to, use the Prontoweb platform or come to our counters.

If you have never activated the service, you can easily register by entering the codes shown on your bill in a few simple steps at the following link.

The meter housing must be adequately insulated and protected against temperature variations, especially in the event of frost. To protect it temporarily, it is recommended to wrap it with insulating materials such as polystyrene or polyurethane foam.

You can request a refund using the form that you can download from our website or pick up at the counter, and send it completed to For amounts of less than 50 Euro you will receive the refund directly on your invoice, while for higher amounts you will receive the refund directly on your current account if you have a standing order, otherwise you will receive a bank draft by post.

If you are a registered user, i.e. in possession of username and password credentials, access the prontoweb service and enter the section dedicated to self-reading.

The seasonal emptying of private swimming pools is allowed in the mixed sewer with a maximum flow rate of 1 litre/second, if it is impossible to find an alternative destination and in the absence of rain (art. 3.17 of the Regulations for the Integrated Water Service in the ATO of the Province of Brescia).

To deactivate your direct debiting, you can download the form, which you can fill in and send to, contact your bank or come to our counters.

On the Acque Bresciane website you can find the average values calculated on the analyses carried out in each municipality, in the "Water Quality" section. The same values can be found, by downloading and registering, on the free ABweb app.

You can report your meter reading free of charge: 

  • to the toll-free number shown on your bill 
  • in your reserved area of the Online Shop 
  • by sending a text message to the number 3472270699 by typing in CODICESERVIZIO#LETTURA followed by the number shown on the meter 
  • from the appropriate section of the ABweb App. 
A process of validation of the reading communicated by the user will take place to check whether it is in line with his usual consumption.

You can check that the meter does not register consumption while all the taps in the house are closed. Remember that even a small leak, if not repaired, can cause high consumption over time.

As of 1 January 2021, those interested will no longer have to apply for the water bonus at the municipalities or CAFs. For further information, please consult the following link.

You can download the form, which must be filled out and sent to, use the Prontoweb platform or contact our counters.

The first step is for the user leaving the service to check the status of their payments. Those taking over can then download the form, which must be filled in and sent to, or use the Prontoweb platform, or come to our counters.

To activate or change your direct debit, you can download the form from the website and send it completed to, or come to the counter.

When the utility is closed, the security deposit will be returned in the closing invoice, while it will be returned in the first useful invoice to those who activate the bank or postal direct debit. The refund of the security deposit will always be increased by legal interest. If the annual consumption exceeds 500 cubic metres, the security deposit will be returned in the bill.

Tap water is drinkable and does not favour the formation of stones. Acque Bresciane carries out accurate daily checks on water to establish its suitability for consumption by assessing physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Specialised technicians take daily water samples from wells and networks and the samples are analysed in our certified laboratories, accredited to the highest safety standards.

This can only happen in two cases. If work is in progress for the construction of a purification plant, a fee will be charged for the ongoing investment. If, on the other hand, the unconnected utilities fall within an area with sewerage, even if they are not connected, they may be charged sewerage and purification fees (as established by a ruling of the Court of Cassation in 2015).

No, this is forbidden by art. 3.5 - Prohibited discharges - letter h) of the Regulations for regulating the Integrated Water Service in the ATO of the Province of Brescia. All substances classifiable as solid waste (solid urban waste, scrap metal, animal carcasses, food waste, sludge resulting from purification treatment, rags, feathers, straw, hair, feces, etc.), even if shredded by domestic or industrial shredders, may not be discharged into the sewer system.

The dosage of chlorine-based disinfectant products serves to prevent the development of microbiological organisms within the drinking water distribution network. The quantities introduced are normally lower than the legal limits laid down by Legislative Decree 31/01 and subsequent amendments and additions. To eliminate the smell of chlorine it is sufficient to run the water or fill a jug and leave it in the fridge for some time, the substance evaporates and the unpleasant taste disappears. In any case, contact us at the emergency hotline to report any anomaly that is not resolved with these simple measures or if the problem persists.

The manager is established by the Province and is unique for the whole territory. The legal references are Article 147 of Legislative Decree 152/06 and Resolution 35/2016 of the Brescia Provincial Council, which entrusted Acque Bresciane with the management of the Integrated Water System.

For the sewerage service, the boundary between the competence of the Manager and the User is established at the point furthest downstream of the outlets of the Florence-type siphon, the septic tank or the inspection pit of the relevant connection, even if these structures are located on public land. It is therefore the User's responsibility to construct and operate the system on both private and public land up to the point where the responsibility of the Manager begins.

Owners of discharges at risk of backflow or leakage of water from the municipal sewerage system, identified and reported by the Manager with adequate documentation to the owner, the Municipality and the Ambit Authority, are obliged to adopt the reported measures. This is established by art. 3.12 of the Regulation for the discipline of the Integrated Water Service in the ATO of the Province of Brescia. It is the responsibility of the owner of the discharge to maintain and check the operation of the individual users/internal networks in relation to the operation of the municipal sewerage system.

Yes, the obligation is established by art. 3.1 of the Regulations for the Integrated Water Service in the ATO of the Province of Brescia. When it is technically impossible to discharge wastewater into the public sewer system by gravity, the owners of the discharges must install suitable lifting systems.