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Green Loan

In September 2021 we signed with a pool of banks and with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti a financing of 202 million euros in support of our projects of sustainable development and circular economy. The financing is divided into three different credit lines, including a €95 million Green Loan to cover the green investments of the business plan.

The funding, granted in 4 years, will allow to implement interventions in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, which include projects of circular economy, environmental sustainability, efficient use of resources and energy.

These are the types of interventions:

  • resolution of EU infringement procedures due to the absence or inadequacy of waste water collection and purification plants modernisation of the water network and new projects, with the aim of further 
  • improving the quality of tap water, encouraging plastic free behaviour
  • reuse of purified water and reduction of sludge, thanks to innovative bio-drying techniques

The annual monitoring activity called Second Part Opinion was conducted in May 2022 and July 2023 by independent and qualified evaluators in order to evaluate the amount actually used for "Green" investmentsanalysis of the investments made and monitoring of the indicators.

The analysis determined that the portion of the proceeds of the first tranche actually used at the end of 2022 for "Green" investments was € 64,585,711.