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General acts and documents referring to all procedures

  • Use of automated procedures in the life cycle of public contracts

It is active e - procurement platform 

  • Documents related to the completion of unfinished works
    Not applicable to special sectors
  • Three-year plans of public works, supplies and services
    Not applicable to special sectors
  • Tender procedures with qualification systems

Please refer to the link: 

  • Regulated tender procedures Special sectors

    As of Dec. 31, 2023, no serious professional misconduct within the meaning of Article 95 paragraph 1 letter a) and Article 98 has been detected


  • Data and information on public investment projects


Acts and documents tender procedures published by ANAC pursuant to Resolution No. 261/2023


- Public Debate
Garda Purifier Project

- Mandatory public debate 
Not applicable

- Tender documents
Is active e - procurement platform 



  • Transparency of public contracts

It is active e - procurement platform 

Equal opportunities and labor inclusion in PNRR and PNC public contracts and confidential contracts:

Acts available on e - procurement platform available at: 

  • Procedures for awarding local public services

Not applicable

Implementation phase:

  • Technical Advisory Board
  • Equal opportunities and labor inclusion in PNRR and PNC public contracts and reserved contracts:

Acts available on the e-procurement platform available at: 


  • Free contracts and special forms of partnership

Not applicable

Emergency and civil protection procedures

  • Acts and documents related to emergency contracting regardless of the amount of contracting

During the current year, at the moment, there have been no emergency awards made

Project finance

  • Entrustment procedure

During the current year, there are currently no works financed with project financing