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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation (DT) represents an element of competitiveness and a great opportunity in all sectors, also in the Integrated Water Service, because it allows us to be a company of reference capable of:

  • innovate
  • make decisions more quickly thanks to the use of data and statistics
  • attract talent and increase the level of motivation and involvement of people
  • increase the efficiency of processes with new technologies
  • ensure a level of technological security consistent with the new challenges.

DT's experience over the years has made us realise that the challenge is first and foremost cultural, and is played out in the adoption of technological solutions by people. Real DT for us is not only about technology, but above all about people.

This is why, in addition to the transformation of our infrastructure and software, we have created a steering committee, the Digital Committee, which initiates and monitors digital transformation projects, and the Digital Team, which currently has 15 colleagues from various sectors. We invest in their digital training so that they can then facilitate the various IT projects by involving their colleagues.

Not only that: we listen to our colleagues' opinions before adopting certain projects or to improve the use of applications.