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Acque Bresciane "diploma" 20 amministratori

ABACO is the excellence training course that Acque Bresciane SB, in collaboration with the School of Management of the University of Brescia (SMAE), offers to local administrators and municipal office managers.


Collaudata la rete idrica Monte Isola - Sulzano

On November 30, 2023, the water network connecting Monte Isola and Sulzano was tested, a demonstration of synergistic work between the two municipalities and Acque Bresciane.The intervention presents a dual functionality, namely the enhancement of the available flow rate for the Sulzano aqueduct and the availability of a new source of supply for the Monte Isola aqueduct, which today uses surface water and is therefore more vulnerable than from a spring.Final closure of the work is expected by March 2024.


Acque Bresciane promossa: sostenibilità da classe AA

Acque Bresciane, with reference to the 2022 Sustainability Rating, obtained a score of 76.1 points out of 100, placing it in the small group of Water Utilities that achieved double A.The assessment, carried out on 2022 performance by the Cerved Rating Agency, highlighted the company's ability to integrate ESG factors into its strategic planning.In the environmental sphere, the economic efforts made to modernize network infrastructure and reduce energy consumption were recognized, with 0 percent of sludge sent to landfills and 94.8 percent of waste recovered.


Acque Bresciane certified for gender equality

Acque Bresciane SB obtained voluntary certification for gender equality according to the reference practice PdR/UNI 125:2022 on October 20, after successfully passing the audit conducted by the accredited body Bureau Veritas Italia.The UNI/PdR 125:2022 came into force on March 16, 2022 as a document published by UNI, which was the result of discussions at the Working Table on Gender Certification of Enterprises, envisaged by Mission 5 of the NRP and coordinated by the Department of Equal Opportunities with the participation of various departments.


Integrated water service: protocol for sustainable development of water infrastructure in Lombardy signed

Water Alliance - Acque di Lombardia, GSE - Gestore Servizi Energetici S.p.A and the Lombardy Region signed, on October 30, 2023, the protocol for the sustainable development of water infrastructure in Lombardy.Signing the agreement, which is valid for three years, was Regional Councillor for Water Resource Utilization Massimo Sertori, together with the top officials of the parties involved: Eng. Enrico Pezzoli for Water Alliance - Acque di Lombardia and Eng. Paolo Arrigoni for GSE.


Oscar of sustainability reports: won the first prize

The first Oscar edition of the sustainability reports, promoted by Futura EXPO and Giornale di Brescia, saw Acque Bresciane win the award in the medium and large enterprise category.The competition allowed us to highlight our first integrated report, which reports on economic-financial, sustainability and territorial impact aspects. Based on our Sustainability Plan to 2045, it helps to understand if we are going in the right direction or if - also due to external causes - we need to recalibrate our goals.


Inaugurato il depuratore di Pozzolengo

Inaugurated on Friday, September 15, the Pozzolengo sewage treatment plant, expanded and modernized to be able to guarantee correct sizing with respect to the number of citizens and better quality of purification. The plant's capacity has increased from 2,500 population equivalents to 6,000, in compliance with current regulations, and the EU infraction due to undersizing has thus been overcome.


Torna 100% Acqua, offerta educativa per 113 Comuni

100% Water, the free initiative aimed at schools in municipalities managed by Acque Bresciane, is back.The range of proposals is wide and diverse: in-person lectures, plant visits and workshops, the traveling exhibition Planet Blue for elementary school and the digital platform Scuola Park, rich in content, videos, tests and games and enriched with specific materials for the civic education curriculum. Leading the way, as usual, are the characters Alex and Flow, who through their adventures tell the story of the water cycle.
