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Multimedia platform

ScuolaPark: the distance learning platform for civi, environmentale and sustainability education

ScuolaPark is a platform where adults, young people and children can find innovative teaching resources and tools, acquire information through films, video lessons, virtual laboratories, video-narratives and short films or play online or download teaching documents for in-depth study and to test their level of preparation.

ScuolaPark can satisfy the most curious ecologists and film lovers on the most varied topics, offering various contents on the theme of water, divided into categories:

  • Documentaries and films selected in collaboration with Cinemambiente, consistent with the educational project and suitable for the school target;
  • Educational videos and video lessons created ad hoc;
  • Games and gamification with rankings and scores management;
  • Teaching materials in pdf and powerpoint format;
  • Individual learning tests that can be taken in class or at home, with results that can be viewed by the teacher.


Teachers can independently choose the contents to be used by the class, choosing times and methods. The platform includes a panel that the teacher can use to check the progress of each individual student: for example, they can see the scores on the self-assessment tests or the state of use of the content.

In this way the platform is a tool at the teacher's disposal to support the educational project, in the classroom or at home, in a simple way and coordinated with their own teaching programme, and to involve the parental circuit in the viewing of digital content from PCs or Smart TVs: a unique opportunity to enter families, giving environmental education to adults as well.

An access licence will be issued for each registered class, available to each student. This licence is valid for the entire school year. There will be a customer care service for teachers to support them in using the platform. A webinar will be held in the first weeks of activity to present the educational activities in question