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The governance of the Company is ensured by the Shareholders' Meeting and the Board of Directors, assisted and coordinated by the General Manager.

The representativeness of the managed territory is guaranteed by the "Steering and Control Committee", led by the President of the Province of Brescia, and composed of the shareholder municipalities and signatories of the Agreement pursuant to Article 15 of Law 241/1990 (in 2022 80 municipalities), which represents the body through which the local authorities, indirect shareholders of the Company, exercise similar control as required by current legislation for services entrusted in house.

The Steering and Control Committee approves guidelines on the most important acts of strategic management, aimed at pursuing the company's objectives, proposing the names of the members of the Restricted Committee, made up of five members representing the municipalities managed, which acts as a link between the company's Board of Directors and the Steering and Control Committee; as well as the names of the members of the Board of Directors and the Control Body, and the Directors' compensation. It also expresses an advance opinion on important corporate acts, such as the Budget, Industrial and Strategic Plans.

The link is strengthened by constant contacts and agreed initiatives with local governments, which nurture a transparent, responsive and dynamic approach to public enterprise.

The Board of Directors (BoD) is an expression of the territory, as it indirectly represents the local authorities in which the Company operates. It administers the Company, plans and prioritises activities and reports on them, evaluating their effectiveness in terms of environmental, social and economic impacts.

rectly represents the local authorities in which the Company operates. It administers the Company, plans and prioritizes activities and reports assessing their effectiveness in terms of environmental, social and economic impacts.