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Senior directional and administrative positions

Office Organization Acque Bresciane Srl

Organisational positions with management qualification:

  • Administration, Finance and Control Manager: Alessandro Varesio
  • Human Resources, Change management and Systems Manager: Giovanni Gardini
  • Technical Area Manager: Mauro Olivieri
  • SII Area Manager: Sonia Bozza


"Pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 162 of 30/12/2019, the publication of the data referred to in art. 14 of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 is suspended pending the adoption of the measures to comply with the sentence of the Constitutional Court no. 20 of 23 January 2019 and, in particular, the issuing of the Ministerial Regulations to which the identification of the data and the criteria relating to the publication obligations on the subject has been devolved".